
Shipping Agency

Holme & Co. has been active in the maritime field as far back as 1866 and was the first Shipping Agency in Naples to organise and prepare the embarking and disembarking procedure for “fly cruises” operations with Cruise Liners that called at Naples with young students on cultural cruises visiting our town and famous archaeological sites such as Pompeii etc...

P&I Correspondents
and Marine Survey Agents

This department has various aspects, amongst which: P&I: in our capacity of commercial correspondents for P&I Clubs and P&I companies, shipowners and carriers – Cargo Insurance/Transport (damage, surveys and recoveries)...

Motor Car Claims

Holme & Co. operates in this field from well over half a Century and during the course of these last decades Holme & Co. has and is servicing Important Foreign Insurers, such as Aviva (formerly Norwich Union), Summit - Amlin and other European ones and has acted as Fiscal and Claims Representatives with Legal representation thus gaining vast experience also in this sector, and also in respect of the 4th EU Motor Directive ...


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